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Why Your School Needs a Success Statement

By Stamp

Why Your School Needs a Success Statement

What is success for your school? A Marketing Action Plan (MAP) is a master plan for prioritizing and then building trust with the target audiences that will lead your school to success. However, at the beginning of the process, it is critical to define what success is. Here we outline our formula used to craft your "Success Statement." 

Whether K12 or higher learning, educational institutions have several metrics for defining success. If asked, the answer to the success question might vary widely depending on who was asked—leadership, department heads, and stakeholders are not always aligned on this topic. Whether you need to increase enrollment, attract more qualified students for a program you’re building, or raise funds for campus improvements, you need a plan that starts with defining success.

Over the past 15 years, we’ve partnered with hundreds of clients and educated thousands more through seminars and conference presentations—all focused on one key strategy: building a pathway to client success through our Marketing Action Plans (MAPs). These MAPs are exactly what they sound like—a comprehensive guide to help prioritize and build trust with your target audiences, outlining marketing processes to achieve your goals. MAP planning sessions harness the power of collaboration that include key staff and stakeholders who become aligned and committed to success.

But how do you define “success” for your school? That’s where our “Success Statement” formula comes in. It’s a powerful tool for mapping out your goals. Here's how it works:

  1. What you will achieve – Set measurable goals (think % increase in enrollment, fundraising, or revenue).
  2. When you will achieve it – Set a timeline, typically 2-5 years out.
  3. Where you are today – Measure your current standing to track growth (current enrollment, or fundraising revenue, for example).
  4. What you will do to achieve it – Define the specific actions and initiatives to get there.
  5. Who you will achieve it with – Identify your primary target audience.
  6. How you will achieve it – Determine your resources—do you have the team to execute, or do you need additional support?

Notice how 5 of these 6 points include the word “achieve”? That’s because success is not accidental—it’s something you must work toward! Keep in mind that everything in your Success Statement should be a blend of two things: Realistic and Aspirational.

But why should your Marketing Action Plan and Success Statement be reviewed and updated at least once a year? Because the landscape is constantly evolving, and your strategy should too. Here’s why:

  1. Market conditions change: Whether it’s an economic downturn, global event, or a shift in the competitive landscape, these external forces can impact your marketing efforts.
  2. Internal shifts happen: New hires, partnerships, or even a rebrand can accelerate or redirect your strategy.
  3. Strategic direction evolves: As your board or leadership adjusts priorities, your marketing plan should follow suit.

A Marketing Action Plan is your master strategy to connect with your key audiences and build trust. It’s dynamic, not static, and should grow alongside your organization.

Ready to start building your school’s MAP? Check out our free resources or reach out for help—whether you need a little guidance or full strategic support, we’re here to help you create a plan that leads to real success.