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  • Millennials vs Boomers. Shake up your marketing strategies.

    Millennials vs Boomers. Shake up your marketing strategies.

    Camille says… Smart DMOs know they must use carefully targeted messaging and strategically chosen channels to reach different demographics. But what about their habits and preferences? Let's take a look at Millennials vs Boomers. Explore these generational visitors and decide if you need to shake up your marketing strategies. Read time: 3 minutes


  • The DMO With The Best Information Wins

    The DMO With The Best Information Wins

    Jim says… Are you using research to drive your destination marketing efforts? Market research is vital to the successful development of your tourism efforts, and the bedrock on which all effective marketing is based. Read time: 4 minutes


  • Award-Winning Campaign (and Results!) on a Limited Marketing Budget

    Award-Winning Campaign (and Results!) on a Limited Marketing Budget

    Jim says… The key to great destination marketing is to create a compelling campaign that establishes a connection with your audience AND produces measurable results – no matter what size the budget. So, regardless of your DMO or CVB size, use these four tips to maximize your limited marketing budget and creativity on your next campaign. Read time: under 3 minutes


  • The SMERF Market—Give Me an S!

    The SMERF Market—Give Me an S!

    Stamp says… The SMERF market encompasses a range of group travelers that your destination can target marketing towards to ensure a more stable occupancy rate year-round. The social market includes groups for weddings, civic and professional organizations, charity events, holiday celebrations, and interest groups. Read time: 4 minutes


  • 5 Mistakes to Avoid in DMO Marketing

    5 Mistakes to Avoid in DMO Marketing

    Camille says… Destination marketing in an ever-changing media landscape requires innovative and educated efforts to constantly engage and convert repeat visitors. Read about the top five DMO marketing mistakes and how to avoid them. Read time: under 6 minutes


  • How DMOs Can Measure the ROI of Digital Advertising

    How DMOs Can Measure the ROI of Digital Advertising

    Stamp says… DMOs should be measuring the return on the investment to show stakeholders that their digital marketing strategy is working. Are you looking at the right metrics to determine the ROI of your digital strategy? Read time: under 4 minutes


  • Harnessing Social Media for Millennials

    Harnessing Social Media for Millennials

    Stamp says… What do millennials want? In thinking about millennials, one strategy for a destination marketing organization (DMO) to consider is to think about what the target audience cares about, what their habits are and what the destination offers at the intersection of these two generational attributes. Read time: under 3 minutes


  • How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Digital Marketing

    How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Digital Marketing

    Stamp says… Digital advertising is crucial for Destination Marketing Organizations because it reaches travelers where they spend most of their time—online. It's cost-effective, offers broad exposure, and delivers lasting results by targeting specific audiences through various digital channels. Read time: under 3 minutes


  • Leveraging Research to Maximize ROI

    Leveraging Research to Maximize ROI

    Stamp says… Scientific, reliable research is logical and guarantees results. Furthermore, creative designed with research data is effective because it focuses on what the visitors want. Learn about how we married market research with a strong marketing and media plan to attract like-minded visitors and increase ROI for Columbus, Georgia. Read time: under 5 minutes