Reinforcing Standard as more than just commercial roofing to its target audiences—that they are now performing more roof maintenance of existing roofs as well as performing a steadily increasing volume of overall “building envelope” maintenance—helps establish them as the top building envelope maintenance company in Alabama.

The goal of Standard Commercial Roofing and Envelope Solutions’ rebranding and reinvigorated marketing efforts is to attract more projects from #1 their target audience segments who were not aware that Standard is an excellent option for complex commercial roofing and building envelope projects and #2 all identified target audience segments by reinforcing that Standard is more than just commercial roofing—that they are now performing more roof maintenance of existing roofs as well as performing a steadily increasing volume of overall “building envelope” maintenance.
- Standard’s Target Audiences that will help grow their business were diverse and not efficiently reachable using traditional media
- Standard wanted to keep the geographical reach for their prospecting efforts limited to a three-hour driving radius of each of their satellite offices
- Stamp proposed a thought leadership program that would work overtime to ensure that Standard would become top of mind for the identified target audiences when they encountered challenges related to commercial roofing and building envelope needs
- Stamp researched, developed and continues to cultivate a database of roof consultants, roof architects and facility/maintenance managers in specific geographic areas covering 5 states
- Pete Taylor, Standard’s owner, regularly writes blog drafts covering topics from leadership, to roofing materials for complicated roof systems, to specific roofing problems they have encountered over the years and how Standard has tackled them
- Stamp creates a separate Google doc file for each entry and manages an interactive editorial calendar utilizing Google sheets to help manage the content
- Stamp edits and enhances these entries and Pete reviews and approves them. Once approved and proofed, we publish and promote Standard’s thought leadership on a twice-monthly basis based on the editorial calendar
- Once published, Stamp populates a summary of this content into an email template and delivers it to the database
- Stamp also manages an ongoing digital marketing campaign leveraging and promoting this thought leadership content on various social channels
- Stamp meets with Standard quarterly to review email, blog and pay per click performance as well as social engagement to see how those efforts resulted in website traffic
Web design and development including blog platform to publish thought leadership posts
Visit the site at

Database development, ongoing management and enhancement
Email template design and management for twice-monthly sends
Editorial calendar management, blog editing and publishing
Organic social media management and audience expansion efforts

Paid promotion of thought leadership blog entries on social channels

- Brand Awareness
- Content Development
- Copywriting
- Digital Strategy
- Email Marketing
- Photography
- Search Engine Optimization
- Social Media Management
- Thought Leadership
- Videography
- Website Design
- Website Development