Alabama crash statistics show that most accidents involve drivers ages 16-25, and most fatalities involve drivers ages 16-30, with males far surpassing females. With forty-one percent of TikTok users falling between the ages of 16 and 24, and around a quarter of all users between 25 and 29 years old, we knew TikTok would be the best way to reach our target audience with our safe driving messages.
Young adults and teens value authenticity, ethnicity, and want to see themselves and their unique interests represented. Diversity is more important than ever when it comes to casting campaign talent, especially when you are looking for wider reach. We knew engaging a popular Alabama-based trend with clever talent choices and filming on a phone for authenticity would be a winning combination.
The resulting videos hit the main initiatives for Drive Safe Alabama: Seat Belts, Distracted Driving, Speeding, and Driving Under the Influence. This awareness campaign gained more than 1.06 million impressions.
The campaign received a Gold Award in the category of Social Media Content—TikTok at the National Service Industry Advertising Awards.
These Drive Safe Alabama ads were served to students on TikTok on game day Saturdays in major Alabama college towns. We grew followers by over 700% & Engagements by 6,700%!
Organic Results
- 843,300 Impressions
- 1,990 Clicks
- .2% Click-Through Rate
Paid Results
- 1,069,207 Impressions
- 4,044 Clicks
- 0.38% Click-Through Rate
Seatbelt 1 Outfit of the Day TikTok
Speeding Outfit of the Day TikTok
Distracted Driving 1 Outfit of the Day TikTok
Distracted Driving 2 Outfit of the Day TikTok
Drive Sober Outfit of the Day TikTok
- Copywriting
- Digital Marketing
- Art Direction & Graphic Design
- Social Media Management
- Videography