Baptist Health is the largest healthcare provider in central Alabama. They wanted to introduce a new program for heart screening–The Advanced Heart Check–which is a non-invasive screening priced at $199. It begins with a CT scan that provides 3-D views of the inner workings of your heart. Following the test, the patients receive a CD to view the images with a medical summary mailed to their primary care physician. It’s a simple procedure that only takes about an hour.
The hospital’s goal was to perform 300 Advanced Heart Check procedures in the first year.
The hospital system needed a marketing campaign for the brand-new Advanced Heart Check. With Stamp’s strategic and creative efforts consisting of digital marketing, radio, magazine, newspaper, outdoor billboards, indoor digital screens, hospital displays, and a micro-site, the hospital’s new service was launched.
Landing Page
Three different sizes of posters were created to be displayed throughout the Health System’s properties.
Gift Cards
Gift cards are a great way to show loved ones you care and want them to be around for a long time.
Baptist Health performed over 975 Advanced Heart Check procedures in the first year. And more importantly, dozens of patients received lifesaving or life-extending procedures directly attributed to the heart checks. Since the campaign launch, more than 11,684 Advanced Heart Checks have been performed, with a waiting list for this procedure.
The client continues to greatly exceed the ROI goals for the campaign (over $3 million in charges to date) and was able to celebrate important life-saving measures for members of the community as a positive extension of the campaign.
Regional Outdoor Boards
The $199 cost drops to $99 during February, which is Heart Month.