Emergency Medical Technicians witness the danger and carnage of bad driving behavior nearly every day. Given that these literal heroes of the road observe humanity when it’s at its most vulnerable and have seen the tragic outcomes of almost every kind of crash, they have no shortage of stories and advice for Alabama’s drivers so they won’t end up in similar situations.
We utilized the power of Alabama EMTs' voices for the Alabama Department of Transportation to share first-hand experiences for a campaign to bring awareness to the tragic results of bad driving behavior, and what you can do to help keep the roadways safe.
Campaign flights were scheduled to run during heavy car travel holidays like Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
Messages were delivered through:
Social Media
- Facebook
- Twitter
- TikTok
- Spotify Audio
- Pre-Roll Video
Our EMT campaign achieved an expansive reach of nearly 3 million Impressions across all tactics!
It also received a Silver Award in the category of Television Ad Campaign at the National Service Industry Advertising Awards.
Facebook & Twitter
- 913,000+ impressions
- 5,630+ engagements
- 1,069,500+ impressions
- 4,040+ clicks
Spotify Audio
- 304,970+ impressions
- 365,000+ impressions
- 3400,000+ impressions
Speeding :30 Television
Seatbelt :30 Television
Aggressive Driving :30 Television
Distracted Driving :30 Television
Roadway Safety :30 Television
- Copywriting
- Videography
- Motion Graphics
- Broadcast Production
- Digital Strategy
- Media Planning & Management
- Social Media Management