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Effective Marketing Is Deliberate

By David Allred

Effective Marketing Is Deliberate

Clients understand that managing marketing that delivers success for an organization is more complex than ever. A disciplined marketing approach is the most effective way to drive efficiency and effectiveness. Fortunately, we have a process that can help and have included links to some free resources you can leverage to follow this process. Read time: under 1 minute

How Disciplined Marketing Drives Efficiency

Citing Google Maps as a practical example, individuals rely more and more on tools that present options to help achieve their goals. While it’s easy for an individual using an app to know they have “arrived” at a destination, defining and achieving success for an organization is a lot more involved. However, in both cases, arriving at success has multiple routes with one starting point (where you are now) and your next arrival point (where you want to go next on your journey). 

While we visit the importance of MAP development often, discussing how a MAP can drive efficiency is an angle this quote drove home for me:

“Clients understand more than ever a disciplined marketing approach is the most effective way to drive efficiency. They want agencies to create solutions that eliminate the complexity.”

Bill Kolb, chairman and chief executive officer, McCann Worldgroup

Simply put, MAPs guide the development of solutions that help clients guide their organizations to more disciplined marketing processes and ultimately toward more marketing efficiencies.

If you would like to discuss Stamp facilitating the development of a MAP directly with your organization, please contact Susan Bryan to schedule a call.