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People Helping People: Storytelling for Montgomery Area Food Bank

By Stamp

As part of our annual Createathon event, STAMP was tasked with producing a video for the Montgomery Area Food Bank to highlight the many services that they provide.

People Helping People: Storytelling for Montgomery Area Food Bank


The Montgomery Area Food Bank felt that their mission and breadth of services was often misunderstood. They wanted a video that they could use not only as an explainer of that mission but also as a fundraising tool.


Help a deserving non-profit highlight the wonderful work they do and help raise funds to do more good work.


As a Createathon project, we were committed to producing a high-quality video over the course of two days telling a broad story and featuring many food bank employees and volunteers.


In the weeks leading up to our shoot, we worked in cooperation with the food bank’s marketing director and floor managers to create opportunities during the upcoming shoot that would highlight the many services they provided. 

A scout of the facilities illustrated a visually rich environment to shoot and gave the scriptwriter and director a lot of stories to work with. Between the friendly staff, delivery of goods, conveyor belts and storage, we knew we were going to get a lot of good stuff in a short period of time.

In the days leading up to Createathon, we had a short outline and some thumbnail sketches to help us develop a script and visual elements that would be needed for both shooting and animation. Once we reached the day of filming, we were off to the races.

On day one, a small crew was out shooting footage while we had an editor back at STAMP HQ assembling and animating to the script that was being written that day. It can be a daunting task to produce something like this so quickly, but the experience of our creative team made the task possible. By the end of the first day we had a lot of the footage shot, a script written, and the voice-over cut. 

Day two was spent getting footage of the food being delivered to local residents at a local church. The organization and implementation of the delivery was impressive and gave us a lot of good footage to work with. Meanwhile, the remainder of our animation and motion graphics were being rendered back at HQ.

By the end of the day, we had produced a high-quality promotional video for the Montgomery Area Food Bank and was very proud of the work our creative team had accomplished.

The client received an exciting and compelling video product that they were able to deliver online via their website and social media as well as a version that could be taken around and shown at fundraising events.


  • Art Direction & Graphic Design
  • Copywriting
  • Videography
  • Motion Graphics